Ohliadnutie sa za letom 2024

Prečítala som knihu Kirké od Madeline Miller o čarodejnici a polobohyni vyhostenej na pustom ostrove, o jej láske k pozemšťanom, bylinám a zvieratám a taktiež Barvu kouzel od Terryho Pratchetta. Rozčítala som knihu od F.S.Fitzgeralda Príbehy jazzového veku.

Zúčastnila som sa jazzovej dielne Doda Šošoku (www.jazzovadielna.sk) , obdivovala som mágiu Klaudiusových prstov vnorených do yin a yang klávesov klavíra na piešťanskej ZUŠke, učila som sa nové spevavé rozcvičky s krásnou mladou Kristínou a jej dokonalou intonáciou, išla som si rozškrabať ruky vďaka letnému ekzému, zapojila som sa do kapely v zložení – basa, 3x bicie, 2x saxofón a ja v zastúpení klavíra a spevu. Zaspievala som si Girl from Ipanema a doprevádzala na klavíri Step lightly, zaspievala som si Get here s nadšeným klaviristom Viktorom. Pohádala som sa s basistom Romanom, lebo nechcel aby som spievala Norah Jones, kedže som si to s nimi skúsila iba raz. 🙂

Plávala som ak sa dalo, tak aj každý deň, niekedy aj v noci a niekedy aj na naháča..:-) Najviac v 1.Lozorne – na priehrade, potom v 2.Ivanke pri Dunaji, vo 3.Veľkom Bieli, v 4.Rusoveckom jazere , 5. v Draždiaku iba párkrát so sestrou a synovcami. Zažila som adrenalín na matraci ťahanom člnom na priehrade – 6.Kaskády pri Šali , vycestovala som s najlepším kamošom do 7.Neusiedler am See , dva krát som plávala v 8.Seneckom jazere po nedeľnej salse, 11 dní som plávala v mori a liečila si kožu a pľúca v 9.chorvátskom mori pri mestečkách Rovinj a Vrsar..

V Rovinji som si dokončila aj potápačský pokročilý kurz z minulého roka. Potápačské centrum sa volá Rovinj sub (https://rovinj-sub.hr )Nazbierala som si u nich za minulý a tento rok 10 nových ponorov pri rôznych ostrovoch, veľkým zážitkom bol ponor vo vraku lode- nazývajú ho aj druhým Titanicom – volá sa Baron Gautsch (potopil sa v roku 1914)

Vo Vrsare som pomáhala predávať kamošovi palacinky a fritule v stánku pri prístave. Bavila som sa pri tom s dovolenkármi po nemecky, anglicky, chorvátsky aj španielsky..

Odučila som spoločne s Lili a Amálkou týždňový surikatský tábor (https://www.facebook.com/p/SuriKaty-100063671036303/?locale=sk_SK ), kde sme si s dievčatami okrem vyrábania kostýmov, učenia sa piesní a hrania divadla, natrénovali viaceré choreografie. Jednou z nich bola aj choreografia do nového videoklipu – Tancuj a snívaj.

Tancovala som 2x salsu v Senci pri jazere, kde som stretla sestry dvojičky s ich deťmi a večer po tanci sa šmýkala vodnou šmýkľavkou, tancovala som 2x salsu na Námestí Slobody kde sa pridali Martin a Bianca a veselo sa učili salsové kroky..

Nosila som svojho psíka – orieška Shylu na babysitting do Kráľovej nad Váhom aj do Petržalke ku kamarátke Klaudii..

Odohrala som pár predstavení Surikaty s Katy a raz v Senci aj bez Katy.. 🙂 Odspievala som 2 koncerty s kapelou Čaromoro (https://www.facebook.com/p/Čaromoro-100063661225952/?paipv=0&eav=Afa1j1uiQlNOjaXGMHmiaDWMm7txH4HW-KFjXs5ViXfPGxvgjzkdXfXkdE0EBdT5jhw&_rdr ).. Odspievala som aj dva krásne koncertíky v duu so Zdeňkom Hladíkom (https://zdenekhladik.cz ). Raz pri príležitosti cestovateľskej kaviarne v stupavských Makoviciach o mojej ceste na Srí lanku a raz na susedskom festivale v Marianke. Od španielskych piesní sme sa prespievali cez mantry až ku country..:D

Bola som prvý krát v živote na ceremónii Kambo s medicínou žabky z pralesa. Pomohla mi zbaviť sa toxínov a preliečiť ekzém. Ešte budem potrebovať jedno-dve ďalšie sedenia, verím že už na pravom mieste odkiaľ žabka pochádza – v Peru.


My new passion is KIZOMBA. Why?

By listening of this music I dive in some kind of meditation, I become as the waves.. When you dancing it and listening to the rhythm, you become one with the message of this dance : wavy, soft and powerful. Also soulful, beautifully growing into the space, melting with the partner and other dancers.

Kizomba can be 1)very sexi! It strenghtens your first chakra – connection with the Earth. 2) It moves your second chakra – pelvic floor, so while you are dancing, you are giving massage to yourself as well. 3) On the high heels it is also a bit like a fittness, you need to keep the balance, to keep your core active, to “listen” to your partner moves, to move with him. I always bless every partner who is enjoying to make my body to wave. Ok, sometimes it is too rushy(quick), sometimes outside the rhythm, not every partner is pleasant to dance with. But only by sharing the listening of the music, it is getting me on the journey to the far Africa bars or Brazilian parties, where people dance this afro – brazilian dance.

Kizomba is a social dance and music genre that originated in Angola during late 1970s to early 1980s. Kizomba is a national heritage of Angola and means “party” in Kimbundu.[2][3] Traditionally, kizomba was danced with family, friends, and acquaintances in social settings such as parties and weddings, but is nowadays also enjoyed in clubs as well as other settings such as Kizomba Na Rua (Kizomba on the street) that are popular in Luanda.

The influence of kizomba is felt in most Portuguese-speaking African countries, but also in Portugal (especially in Lisbon and surrounding suburbs such as Amadora or Almada), where communities of immigrants have established clubs centered on the genre in a renewed kizomba style. The São Tomeankizomba music is very similar to the Angolan, Juka being the most notable among the Sãotomeans, and also one of the most notable performers in the genre.

Countries where they dance the most kizomba: PORTUGAL / LISBON, CAPE VERDE, BRAZIL, CHINA / BEIJING, SHANGHAI, GHANA,

Books and stories 23/24

Tak marec je mesiac knihy. Prikladám sem môj text v angličtine, kde píšem o knihách ktoré ma zaujali, niektoré viac niektoré menej…o knihách ktoré som v minulom roku čítala a o filmoch a seriáloch, ktoré som videla. Keďže nemám televízor už asi 12 rokov a do kina veľmi nechodím, snažím sa život zažívať všetkými zmyslami a vlastným telom, tak si možno poviete, že toho veľa nebolo.. Aj výber môže vyvolávať otázky.. Tak to vyšlo, to som videla a tento rok zase niečo ďalšie..nové.. filmov, kníh, príbehov je milión..aby sme sa však v nich úplne nestratili, cvičme jogu, chodievajme do prírody, pozerajme, dýchajme, tancujme príbehy.. A s nádychom let it go.. Niekedy je však dobré spomenúť si.. A tak sem prikladám tento zoznam:


Achilles song by Madeline Miller – this book I chose randomly in Croatia in the lovely city Rovinj, where I felt the sea breeze caressing my face and my need to just enjoy the sun and to read some nice story grew bigger.. I was nicely surprised and deeply taken into the world of half God Achilles and his faithful friend Patroclus. I read how they grew up, how they learned all the skills to be a good warriors, how their Love also grew into the kind of “Romeo and Juliet” relationship.. The whole book was written in “I” person by Patroclus and his way of seeing his beloved Achilles to fight in the war of Troy which took 10 years. I read it in english, so I could widen my vocabulary and enjoyed the language and metaphors much more. 

Lion King – We read this book with children in the kinder garden, where I am helping out to the teachers since 2 years. When somebody got sick, they called me and 

I couldn’t stop to come over because the children between 3-6 are so innocent, playful, loving and connected to the angels…

I felt in Love again with the story of Lion King, with the braveness and with the paintings.

Beautiful unavailable women by Charlie Greenberg (audio book) – I somehow found this book on Spotify and listened it while my bus journey from Trieste to Bratislava.

Author is a young czech man who started to write when he was 17 years old and this intimate, erotic and spiritual novel ( how they describe it on google ) caught me into the story of a young man Matthew to whom the doctors notified, that he has a special disease and will live only 2 more years. So he starts to live differently, goes to India, where he get robbed.. Later when he manage to return, a young talented athlete needs to pass a qualification in a year, so Matthew can coach him while he starts meeting beautiful unavailable women with whom he has the most intimate and profound physical and emotional experiences. He try to give them all his love and attention, because he has nothing to loose. “Get ready, it’s raining, how are you going to stop it?” – that was the motto of this book 

Harry Potter and the cursed child ( theatre play) by J.K.Rowling 

I found it on Ibiza few years ago in some free library and I forgot to return it there.. And than I started to teach children in an

international school – Drama club – and I thought this might be a good story to learn and play with them. I was naive.. The children (between 9-11..) found it boring and they wanted to invent their own story.. At the end we took one idea from the book- where the 3 children (Harry Potter’s son and his friends) took a special juice, which changed them into adults. So “my” children turned into their teachers and spoke with their own parents convincing them, that their daughter or son are extremly smart and don’t have any problems in the school.. It was fun! 🙂

Ikabog – the same author, I borrowed this book from the school library and I returned it as well! 🙂 A mythical monster, a kingdom in peril, an adventure that will test two children’s bravery to the limit. 

Silva’s method

Garage Liebertango by Jozef Heriban – I didn’t manage to come for the “baptism” of the book, because I got stuck in the traffic.. But then I bought the book and read it on my trip to Malaga. I know Jozef personally, I danced with him tango few years ago and through tango people come closer to each other somehow.. In this story the main character – Michal Kahn dances Argentine tango, sells antiques at Červený Kameň and writes his debut novel in the form of diary entries. Although he fights it, deep down he is a latent racist. However, his life changes completely when he accommodates a married refugee couple with two small children in the garage of his house… So happy to read in slovak languge, to enjoy its fine shapes, melodic words, plot and sentence twists.. It was filled with humour, 

Water for elephants by Sarah Gruen A veterinary student Jacob Jankowski who almost earned his degree, is put in charge of caring for the circus menagerie. It is there that he meets Marlena, the beautiful young star of the equestrian act, who is married to August, the charismatic but twisted animal trainer. He also meets Rosie, an elephant who seems untrainable until he discovers a way to reach her. Wow, I was there, with them..in the circus, sitting on the horse and training other beautiful black and white horses, travelling with the train and performing in different cities..Sitting on an Elephant, making acrobatic turns in the air.. The author Sarah Gruen drew on real stories from the Circus- in which she made a long research. It was hard time in Amerika – for the workers, who drunk the whole time some cheap brandy to keep alive, who didn’t get paid sometimes for a month sometimes  more.. also for our main character, who tried to care about the animals, but he many time he didn’t have enough funds to gave them proper food or medicaments.. 

Fleabag (screenplay) – I found this book on a wooden shelf in the hall of the Pearl palace hostel in Sri lanka, where we spent almost 2 weeks beginning this year..I haven’t seen the Tv serie, so I could create my own faces and characters in my head.. It was written in a funny, cheeky way. Things what happened to this women whose real name I didn’t find out – to Fleabag, were funny, tragicomic and although I sat on the Jungle beach in the shade, I travelled with her the streets of London, cleaned her Coffee shop, which she owned alone because her best friend died, I laughed and cried with her about her sex and partner stories and family embarassments.. The reading was quick even though the book had 327 sites, but because it was written only in Dialogues. Than month later we watched the serie and I was a bit disapointed that the main characters looked different than I imagined.. But that’s normal – this happen often when you first read and than you see..

Circe by Madeline Miller In the house of Helios, god of the sun and mightiest of the Titans, a daughter is born. But Circe is a strange child–neither powerful like her father nor viciously alluring like her mother. Turning to the world of mortals for companionship, she discovers that she does possess power: the power of witchcraft, which can transform rivals into monsters and menace the gods themselves.. Oh I really liked this story full of gods, halfgods, also humans faithful,strong, envious,furious, vengeful.. The Author Madeline again masterfully described colourful world, where nothing was impossible and I felt my inner Goddess grew stronger than before..:-)

Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett This book I would describe like a Bible for fantasy book readers, it is so humorous, with brilliantly drawna characters and stories, I saw the Discworld in front of my eyes, I laughed, cried, was scared and than again bravely fighted with Rincewind and Twoflower – the main characters of this novel. Terry wrote the book 2 years before I was born, how crazy! 1983! I definitelly would recommend this to everybody, old or young, hippies or bussiness workers! Terry Pratchett rules! And of course big applaus to the amazing translator into czech: Jan Kanturek!

Maria Montessori by Laura Baldini I read this book with only few inhales and exhales, her life of a young medicine student – the only female between men! – and also her secret pregnancy, her love life, everything was so exciting and different to our presence.. She definitely knew what she wants, she progressed softly but relentlessly. She made big changes with children who were diagnosed as disabled. Eventhough she couldn’t devote her love to her own child, because she would need to give up her career, she devoted her love and passion to those childre who made big advances thanks to her methods.




Beauty and the beast

Good Luck to you Leo Grande

3 Musketieers and D’Artagnan

Good Maneers (spanish)


Beetlejuice (Tim Burton)

Spellbound (2024)

Leo (2023)

Ferdinand (2017)

Presentation in spanish and polish *

How to tune into your Body/Mantra course

I am grateful that we happen to bring this Idea into the Life. One of my talented creative friends is painting on the skin.. Andrea painted lovely mandalas on my Body and face and though almost naked I felt so natural, relaxed and divine. We enjoyed wonderful surroundings in Jelka, late summer day fullfilled with animal sounds and light breeze. We were shooting first two trailers about a course which I will make with you via Zoom and than also live. Course about mantras, their melodies, signification and impact on ourselves. Then we shooted also a videoclip for one of my mantra – Ong namo gurudev namo, recently released in an album Eva Solea – Mantras. I was dancing barefoot and spreading the colours with the movement of arms and legs into the green gras and blue sky..

You can sign in here: https://www.evasakalova.com/course/ and join me on the journey of discovering our voices, their resonance in the body, discovering also wonderful stories which unfold with every new song we receive and make them alive. Information about Andrea and her work: www.facepainting.sk

Dwarfs in Wroclaw and another Magic

Sitting on a beach in Tenerife, contemplating about the Life possibilities, I decided to go back to Slovakia for meeting my family and putting the Energy into my Garden, – I got a message from Julia – casting director from Poland. She asked me if I’d like to play in the movie Kajtek Czarodziej. I said sure! , but didn’t have big expectations – with a movies are so many things unsecure until the last moment – anything can change, also the cast.. 🙂 Few weeks later in a little village Most pri Bratislave, I had the skype meeting with the director – Magda Lazarkiewicz. I thought I would need to play some parts of the screenplay for her, but we had only nice conversation. Also about the costumes and the story. I met online also my movie son Erik alias Kajtek – lovely shiny young Being with brown eyes – like mine 🙂 And than after some up and down weeks I was picked up by white bus and a charmant driver Lukasz exactly on my birthsday (9.5.2022:) and brought to Wroclaw where the shooting was happening. We picked up on the way also another slovak Actor – Vít Bednárik, who created a lovely theatre and space for movement workshops in his village Dolné Orešany. Next day sitting in the make up bus and trying my costume I smiled on the first message from Julia after 9 years when I played a young slovak doctor in the polish Tv Serie – Ratownicy. And now..: I am here! They are putting the brown peruke on my hair and twitter in polish melodic language arround me.. The scene is located on a cementary with a big old grab stones and the sun is shining through many birch tree leaves, creating delicate lace on the stone and fabrics.. I play the young bride in a white lacelike dress – it is the old memory of the Grandmother of the main role Kajtek and the beginning of the movie story.. The atmosphere feels holy, everybody focused on a good picture, grab stones and floating souls watching our effort..

Next day we meet in an old University, making photo session in the oldfashioned costumes for the Album of Kajtek in the movie. Than I take a walk through the city, breathing its special different Atmosphere.. There are everywhere small metallic dwarfs on the main square city, in different postures, hidden in corners – as a good spirits taking care of the overall energy. I see mayny new chic vegan places, young nice women without bra and old guys driving their old cars.. At the end of the day I find myself in a small park between a housing unit and one church (in Polen there are churches everywhere!) with the guitar sitting on the bench, playing my mantras, listening to the sound and vibration of the guitar, while polish children playing closeby. Some polish retired women and men sit next to me and enjoy the music, thanking me for the free “concert” I made for them..

Another day we shoot in an old building surrounded by lovely trees, peacocks and a goat farm.. In the night the big Light is shining through the window creating a special effect, inside the room is dusty, little bit mysteriously and all people are deeply concentrated: camera man, guys from the sound, requisites, assistants, director.. I am in brown hair and soft old-pink coloured dress as a dead mother meeting my son in his dream.. Amazing how much effort filmmakers put into one scene, everything should look perfect, the Light, camera, sound..We are repeating our text, taking more takes, creating the magic of the story.. Next day I travel home, driven by lovely polish man in a white minibus.

Few weeks later I come to Duszniki – Klodzko – wonderful Nature part of Polen, where we continue with the shooting.. In my free days I manage to fly in a baloon and ride horses on a farm which is ran by one amazing women(the story in the next blog) We experience great storm safely watching it from the big windows of the kitchen house. From these windows you can see only the meadows, horses, trees and colourful sky.. Duszniki is a place where people come to rest, relax, rejuvenate their bodies and minds, there is a nice park with Chopin statue and with some concerts for the public.. There is a fresh air fullfilled with eldeflower smell and nettles, small purple and yellow flowers, meadows, garrulous creek and other fully green majestical trees. I hug them and charge myself..

This time on a shooting day I meet my son in the field full of purple flowers, feel the light wind on my face and soft silky material of the cloth carressing my skin. The views are amazing, everywhere you turn your head, you can see the hills, meadows, green and blue sky, clouds in different shapes.. People from this land are speaking about its benefits and about the rough winters.. all places were covered with thick snow mantle. Those people have the space – living in the houses with gardens, with wide views, watching and accepting the power of the Nature.. Movie makers are creating place for tents, fire and acrobats – where the next scene is happening.. There are horses, guitars, dancers and circusants.. Exactly my dream land – music, dance, fire, nature, nomads, travellers, costumes..strong sun and soft wind..

I travel home fullfilled, grateful for the opportunity to co-create the Magic, to be a part of it and being also rewarded for it. Unpationatelly I am now waiting for the release of the special magical movie: Kajtek Czarodziej in polish, czech and slovak cinemas. Stay tuned as well! 🙂

Mantry a prvý hudobný nosič :-)

S radosťou vám predstavujem kompletné nahrávky mantier so záverečnou mixážou vo formáte krásneho dreveného usb s logom Eva Solea 🙂 V prvom rade veľká vďaka patrí Tónovi Popovičovi, ktorý venoval veľa času tomuto dielu. Tóno Popovič ako výborný skladateľ, muzikant a multiinštrumentalista stál na začiatku tejto tvorby(oslovila som ho ešte plná slnka z kanárskych ostrovov, kam sa každý rok vraciam žiť a “jógovať”) a vydržal až do konca, aj keď to nemal so mnou vždy ľahké. Tieto vysoko vibračné mantry, nás prečistia, vyladia, zharmonizujú tie miesta v našom tele, myšlienky a programy, ktoré to najviac potrebujú. Ďalej by som sa chcela poďakovať Pavlovi Kvassayovi, ktorý ponúkol priestory svojho nahrávaciaho štúdia, venoval svoj čas a vedomosti muzikanta telom i dušou. Veľká vďaka patrí aj Marekovi Žilincovi (bicie), Andrewovi Vajgelovi (gitara), Michaelovi Toldy (gitara) a Andrejke Tkáčovej (husle) za ich umelecký prínos. Mantry sú v gurmukhi posvätnom jazyku a aj v angličtine. Texty aj vysvetlenia jednotlivých mantier budú priložené k hudobnému nosiču. Melódie sú autorské, vytvorené prevažne na ukulele na mojich cestách a prepájaniach sa s prírodou. Ak by ste mali záujem zakúpiť si tento usb kľúč profesionálne nahraný v štúdiu, cena je nastavená od 14,- eur. Ak by niekto túžil podporiť vyššou sumou, je vítaná. 🙂 Prikladám malú ochutnávku v podobe videa:

Shakti dance experience 7.5.2022

Stretli sme sa v domčeku s krásnou záhradkou. Vo vzduchu voňali vonné tyčinky- momentálne používam vonné tyčinky Nag Champa žlté a Radha s vôňou pomarančov – zavedú ma do južného Španielska(kde som ich aj kupovala), podporia a povzbudia moje zmysly, naladia na dôveru a životnú silu. Objímeme sa aj s neznámymi, pozrieme sa hlbšie do očí – v akých podobách sme sa už v minulosti stretli – krásna žena v bielom má na krku kvet života, ja si chytám svoj drobný lapis lazuli ktorý som si hrdo “omakramovala” včelím voskom povoskovanou bavlnenou niťou. Na stolíku karty s Bohyňami, Anjelmi, kryštále, palo santo, lupene ruží, na stene obrazy mandál, špirál, anjelov.. Čaj s materinou dúškou nazbieranou neďaleko chorvátskeho mora, ovocie, oriešky, ranné umenie s kašou a zdobením, ochutnávanie, ovoniavanie olejov, kamene v rôznych tvaroch – ametyst, ruženínové srdce, kryštáľová veža.. Vyťahujem gitaru, mantry nás naladia – Adi Shakti pre ženskú silu a Shiva Shamboo pre mužskú polaritu, Ocean is the beginning of the Sea nám pripomenie nekonečnosť elementov, ich silu a nás ako tie kvapky, ktoré plávajú za svojim cieľom, niekedy sú vlny väčšie, niekedy menšie, no ak vydržíme vo svojom zámere tak dopláveme tam kam túžime, prepojíme sa s tými s ktorými sa máme..v dôvere, v ľahkosti, v Srdci. Vyťahujem náramky macramé – vzor ma naučil jeden láskavý peruánčan, ktorého som stretla na pláži na kanárskych – predával tam svoje umenie. Raz po prechodenom horúcom dni som uňho skončila v jaskynke s masala čajom a vôňou palosanta. Vložila som do toho náramku koral – malý, bledo oranžový – predavačka mi vysvetlila, že sú pôvodne biele a jemne dofarbované, lebo že tie ozajstné oranžové sú zakázané loviť. Páčila sa mi tá myšlienka za tým, že nemajú tie ozajstné- lebo niekde ich určite ešte predávajú..a páčila sa mi tá farba, jemne koralová, ani oranžová, ani ružová, taká špeciálna.. Tak som ich vzala a po jednom ich vkladám do mojich náramkov. Náramok som nečakane tej krásnej žene predala aj s príbehom odkiaľ pochádzajú jeho zložky 🙂 Veľmi ma to potešilo. Chlebíky s domácim pestom z medvedieho cesnaku, hrozno, voda, káva.. A potom som vytiahla z auta červeno-čiernu indickú kruhovú tribal sukňua čiernu podprsenku mnou vlastnoručne obšitou stužkami, čipkami, peniažkami a korálikmi ako som odkukala od Denisky – úžasnej učiteľky tribal a belly dance. Ženám sa hneď zapáčili, vyskúšali si oboje a dali sa do tanca. Každá si mohla vybrať svoju skladbu a bosými nohami po vlhkej tráve zatancovať svoje prianie, túžbu, zámer.. My ostatné sme držali priestor.

Čo to znamená držať si navzájom priestor?

To sme sa učili už na hereckej škole, podporiť “vystupujúceho” svojim pohľadom, byť s ním prítomný v jeho/jej tanci, aby mala pre koho tancovať a aby mohla dôverovať a otvoriť sa svojmu tancu, emóciám..nechať svoje telo užiť si v tanci všetky možné tvary a podoby..

Obrovská sukňa ako zaujímavý Element podporila každej tanec, dali sa s ňou tvarovať krídla, čeriť vzduch, vytvárať špirály, srdce..aj sa o ňu potkýnať.. 🙂 Ozdobená podprsenka s peniažkami nie každej veľkostne sadla – mne osobne pomáha precítiť moju ženskosť a tieto dve milé aj keď malé – ale zato pravé! miesta na mojom tele si zvedomiť, rozvibrovať, použiť celý hrudník, obnažiť brucho, zapojiť chrbticu a vlniť telom..vnímať možnosti vlnenia jednotlivých častí tela, naučiť sa izolovať ich od seba, používať ich nezávisle od sebe alebo v inom vlnení..no keď už tu to telo máme tak ho teda využime, čo vy na to?!! 😀

Choreografia a voľnosť

Baví ma učiť sa nové kroky, rozhýbať postupne hlavu, krk, hrudník, ramená, ruky, zápästia, brucho, panvu, nohy, kolená, členky.. Hudba má istý rytmus – skladba sa rozdelí na menšie časti, často napríklad 8 dobové – v ktorých robíš pohyby rôznymi časťami tela, nemusíš na každú dobu- ideš podľa pocitu..tvoríš choreografiu. V niektorých druhoch hudby sú beaty pomalé, v niektorých rýchle, rázne, podľa toho sa rôzne vlní telo. Kizomba, zouk sú krásne ženské- muža nasledujúce -tance, uvoľnené v elemente voda.. Tribal, flamenco podporujú vnútornú ženskú silu, oheň, striedanie rytmu, pomalé ovládanie jednotlivých častí tela- od prstov na rukách cez hrudník panvu, izolácie, pokrčené kolená.. Zvodnosť a sila. Ženy tancujú samé, mužské publikum sa môže pozerať, vnímať silu a vibrácie ich tanca. Ako učiteľka tanca/jogy pomáhaš pri učení sa choreografie zvedomiť tieto časti telám ostatným ženám, záujemnkyniam 🙂 Pri voľnom intuitívnom tanci si potom idú ženy úplne podľa seba, vo svojom vlastnom plynutí, môžu zapojiť aj niečo z toho, čo sa naučili pri choreografickej časti a možno aj podvedome zapojili – Telo je rozcvičené rozohriate, naladené.

Spolupráca s

The Power of Song_22.02.2022

Here you can support the recording of new Mantras and Songs for the Heart which I am collecting on my travels arround the world. I am creating my own melodies which the Wind, the Ocean and the Sun are whispering to me. Thank to you I would be able to pay musicians who can support my voice with their play ( on kora, piano, tabla’s , guitar..) and the recording Studio. I hope they can soon be recorded, published and spread to the lovely people on this Earth 🙏You can listen my first songs on spotify under: Eva Solea ( Solea’s dream and Love)

Such a strong date. After plan A, plan B, plan C failed, I decided for plan F – and went for 5 rhythms dancing workshop. 🙂 To meet people in dance, enhance my and yours energy, to jump high and let the head shake. To shake out all the crazy thoughts they coming to me. In a safe space, with deep into-eyes looking, with some touch and exhale. And after I was offered to make stillness – song singing. I sang mantras on my own melodies, songs came out so freely, I just opened the mouth and let myself sing. Somebody cried, washed his/her heart with tears, somebody just enjoyed, sitting still. And there was a feather and a light and few smiles. And I sang a song. This is what I need to do, what I ll do, what I ll ever do, what empowers me, protects me, opens me. Finding my song every day anew. Which one would be yours? Come and listen and sing with us on upcoming monday. Closer informations on soleayogadance – fb. Looking forwards!

P.S. Pikto of a bird is part of my logo made by Barbora Paulovicova. She paints from her heart for all chakras, creating patiently, with safe hand with all colours arround her fingers.

Fairytale Singing – Solea’s concert and kirtan for Spring

I had wonderful Experience yesterday. There were dwarfs, feries, elfs, gnoms looking at me, shining with their eyes. We sat in front of all gods and godesses – protectors of the space. Candles were burning. We created an altar in front of us with cloth mandala, angel cards, shamanic drum and didgeridoo. They didn’t come to play yesterday. But they were present and listened to the sounds of ukulele and guitar. We sat in crossleg position, hand on heart and hand on belly, i spoke with closed eyes. I tried to speak from heart. About my highest experiences, where I felt the most Love in my cells and bones – they remember. And when I speak about this I shine also more. So Solejka – the little girl inside me still wishes to give and perceive Love in all situations and in encounters with other souls. Actually, the funny thing is – and Solejka knows it – Love is still here and everywehere, also now and now and now.. it depends on our perception, how we stand to it, how we open to it. To this what IS. So I was singing yesterday – Two mantras from kundalini yoga tradition, for cleaning and empowering ourselves. Everytime I sing them, I feel like like cleaning the windows of my body temple from inside. In order to see more clearly. All the Beuties, Life is offering us. Then I told those fairytale – beings a story about beach, ocean, big fire and half naked shiny people arround this fire – singing and hugging, kissing each others hands. I remembered clear and shiny eyes of one young women with brown skin of sand singing deeply from her being this song I sang : Above and below and all arround the world, you are the essence of it all , the Beauty of Life, you are the essence of it all, the Love of my Life, sacred One, source within and beyond. I promised myself, I want to learn this song, I practised it in mountains of La Gomera, watching the sun setting down behind the hills and I sang it yesterday to those beings. They listened and smiled, some of them joined. After that I sang another song which i learned on rainbow gathering – so how is this arround the fire – happening – called. Some spanish songs brought us to nature friends in spanish inland, to teepees, yurtas, animals and Lokah Samastah sukhinho bhavantu finished this Journey through lands and space. We connected our hands in front of our hearts, with Namaste and Sat Nam thanked each other, thanked to ourselves and to smiling hindu gods, to smiling spirits. You can sing the Love, you can feel the Love, you can be the Love. Returning to your unique Essence everyday and more often, in order to stay connected. In order to feel. All kind of emotion is worth to go through, actually they are pretty cool designed. Oh, and not forgetting Humour – so important! The most highest way of looking on yourself and your sweet funny silly endeavours. So again, sitting in admiration of how complex this could be – taking mantras and healing songs from different traditions singing them for lovely troll and kundalini yoga teacher, for few playful dwarfs and acro yoga lovers, to good feries – mothers and healers, to elfs and yoga, massage, sahman healers, with shiny gnome – guitar player sitting on my side. Wow, nothing that thank you – all the time is coming up in me. Thank you spreading through my body and all cells.

And how about me? How to integrate in this world fairytale – play again? After new moon and setting new intentions? As a bird which returns regularly to its nest, to feed her beloved and also enjoying all those flights above lands and through spaces and time. As a dancing farmer, kids teacher, dreamer and at the same time with strong feet walking on this ground. May all our dreams came true in the right time in the most original and fullfilled settings of souls connecting and supporting each other.


Sat nam.



aaaaaaa! let’s go outside and feel the sun!